The Having of Wonderful Ideas
Navigating This is Always Complicated
How this works:
The having of wonderful ideas section of my portfolio is broken up into different sections.
With reflections on Authenticity, Craftsmanship, Complexity, and reflections from each one of my electives with their corresponding evidence.
You can jump to a specific section with the table of contents.
Two projects I wanted to do this year, and really loved putting time into. Featuring poems from English, and our bridges we created for physics.
Creative Writing Unit
Bridge May be Digitized in the Future
Two complex projects I enjoyed this year were our math tests, and research paper we wrote in humanities.
Math Tests May be Digitized in the Future
These two projects I went the extra mile with, putting attention into every detail, both in my trip reflection project, and final project for our Vietnam war unit in English.
Photograph Reflection
Trying to understand the craft of taking pictures.
You should be able to view my Photography portfolio at: